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Vitiligo Treatment In Avanti Ayurveda

Vitiligo Treatment

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Vitiligo (Leukoderma)

Vitiligo, also called leucoderma or white patches, is a very complex skin disorder and is not easily treatable. Being an idiopathic disorder that causes pigmentary disfigurement, it results in the occurrence of white spots on the skin. These white patches occur when pigment cells called melanocytes are inactive or destroyed and pigment melanin can no longer be produced. As these white patches are apparently visible on the body, patients tend to feel uncomfortable and under-confident in social situations. It creates tremendous pressure on the patient’s mind as he/she may start feeling embarrassed, and in some cases, this extreme consciousness about their condition can push a vitiligo patient towards the stage of depression.

Making oneself more stable emotionally along with taking proper treatment provides the best results. But unfortunately, people don’t have much awareness about the right treatment. Most often they choose other methods of treatment like allopathy, and homeopathy and lose their money, time as well as hope.

But do not worry, Avanti Ayurveda brings you the best ayurvedic treatment to get rid of this skin disorder.

We offer customized and pure herbal treatment with 100% herbal medicine. We believe in a combination of ancient and modern ayurveda methodology to treat vitiligo patients so that it is cured without any side effects.

Contact us right now because you already have suffered enough.


We use polyherbal medicines for treating vitiligo as it is effective and safe. No untoward effects have been observed when used in therapeutically recommended dosage and pattern. The oral dose containing autoimmune restoring plant ingredients helps in restoring the immune system and checks the new emerging spots, thereby enhancing recovery.


In Ayurveda, intake of non-compatible food is considered as one of the reasons for Leucoderma. Milk with fish, radishes and sour or salty foods are examples of non-compatible foods.

Hence, we also give dietary advice to vitiligo patients apart from recommending medicine to boost the immune system, which helps in quick recovery. The dietary advice includes the addition of food items rich in vitamin D and vitamin B12 to daily food.



Increase intake of green vegetables like a bottled gourd, beans, and pulses.


Leucoderma treatment at Avanti Ayurveda is provided by Dr. Vaidya Jai Prakash Prasad. A kit with herbal medicines will be recommended to the patients depending on their body type and the climatic conditions they are accustomed to.

The treatment is more sensitive for someone with white spots on the face, eyebrows or lips. We customize our vitiligo kit after thoroughly studying each patient’s condition.

The actual results and Vitiligo healing stories of our patients can be seen on our website. As the nature of vitiligo/leucoderma is very unpredictable, it requires proper attention, care, and medication for its healing. Such treatment can be provided only by an experienced specialist. Avanti Ayurveda has such expert doctors who have been successful at treating vitiligo.

Avanti Ayurveda has been focused on curing vitiligo for the past 33 years.

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